Tuesday, August 18, 2009

BonBon's ACL Experience

I must, must, MUST go to ACL this year. SugarSnap has already discussed it, so there is no need for me to use hyperlinks or go into detail about it.

However, as someone who has gone to ACL the last two years, I have a bit more insight into what goes on and how it is. It' pretty sweet.

Oh, you want me to tell you about it? Well, I'd be glad to. All you had to do was ask.

ACL is basically three things:
A. amazing
B. Ballin'
C. An excuse for stoners to get high in a giant park with little to no police supervision
(You thought I was going to use something starting with "c," right? Wrong. I threw you a curveball (which DOES start with "c")).

Does this not sound awesome, BAMFing, and crazy? It should, because it is. Now, I am not a stoner who needs an excuse to get high in a giant park, but I have friends for whom this was a giant convenience. Also, you just meet really cool people from all over Texas and the US, and you pay like $120 (or I did, because I am an early bird) for three days of great music. Epic win? I believe so.

That is all for now.

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